Frequently Asked Questions
Can I bring food and beverages into the zoo?
Outside food and beverages are permitted into Cameron Park Zoo. Please do not share your food with the animals, your food can be harmful to them.
Are there any items not permitted in the Zoo?
Yes, we do not allow balloons for the safety of the animals. We also do not permit wheel based recreational items like: bicycles, tricycles, scooters, skates, power wheels, ride on toys, etc.
Is the zoo open year round?
The zoo is open year-round. We are closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. When planning a visit to the Zoo, be sure to check our weather factors page to see what animals may remain off exhibit.
Does the zoo have wheelchairs or electric carts available?
The zoo has a limited number of manual wheelchairs available for rental through admissions. We have a limited inventory and provide these items on a first come, first served basis. We also have a limited number of Scooterbug (ECV’s) available for rent through our admissions booth.
Does the zoo have stroller rentals?
The Zoo has single and double strollers available for rent through our Gift Shop. We have a limited inventory and provide these items on a first come, first served basis. We recommend arriving early to secure one.
I am a member of another zoo, can I use my membership to enter Cameron Park Zoo for free?
If your current membership is held with a Zoo that participates in a reciprocal program with Cameron Park Zoo, you will receive a discounted general admission ticket. You must bring your membership card with you to receive discounted admission. You can check our list of reciprocal institutions. Click here for a list of the zoos we are reciprocal with.
Does the zoo have a Lost and Found?
Yes, our Lost and Found is located in the center admissions booth.
Do you allow pets into the zoo?
No, for the health and safety reasons for the animals in our collection, pets are not allowed on Zoo grounds. The only exception to this policy is service dogs. Service dogs must be on a leash at all times. For the safety of your animals, no animals should be left in your vehicle while you tour the Zoo. (City of Waco ordinance Sec. 5-121)
Do you charge for parking?
There is no charge for parking.
When are the best times to visit the zoo?
The busiest days at the Zoo are generally Saturday, Sunday and days when large groups are scheduled. The months of April and May are busiest with field trips from open until lunch time. Call 254-750-8400 to check the number of groups scheduled.
Things to remember to keep yourself and our animals safe:
- Do not feed the animals
- Respect all barriers-The Zoo is the animals’ home. Please treat the Zoo and the animals with respect.
- Please bring all necessary medications required for anyone in your party. Zoo personnel are not allowed to administer medication.
- Flowers and trees make our zoo beautiful. Please respect nature and our staffs’ efforts.
- For their safety, please supervise children in the restroom